sábado, 12 de octubre de 2019

My favorite series: BREAKING BAD

Nice to meet you stranger! today I spoke to you about the best series in the world, hehe. Well, Breaking Bad is my favorite series. I met this series in 2016, when I got a friend's Netlfix account.

The series deals with the transformation of a professor of chemistry to one of the largest drug traffickers in the United States.
Resultado de imagen para breaking bad transformation

The series begins with the diagnosis of cancer by Walter White, who desperately looks for ways to have more money for his family before he dies. For this he needed a more lucrative business: drugs.

The series is interesting because Walter White was humiliated and crushed all his life. However, now he is a drug dealer, and could take revenge on every person he hated in the past.

Something interesting about the series is that it is filmed through several color filters, which represent certain emotions. For example: when the scene shows greed, the screen turns green (color of money).
Resultado de imagen para breaking bad green scene

I fully recommend this series. It is a work of art.

3 comentarios:

  1. I'm watching this series now and I liked a lot, it's super interesting see the transformation of walter after he's diagnosed with cancer and see also how he deales with unforeseen situations with his parner

  2. I only saw once chapter of this serie and it was so cool! I will see it soon :)

  3. I haven't watched breakindbad but I know a series named "metástasis" with Walter Blanco.


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