viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

My best holiday ever

Hi! Nice to meet you stranger! Today I will talk you about my best holiday ever.
It was at January 2012, when I was twelve years old.  My family and I went to Puerto Montt, a big city located in the south of Chile. We stayed there for a long time; I remember that it was like 3 weeks.
The plan of my parents was visit all the little towns around Puerto Montt, like Frutillar, Puerto Octay or Puerto Varas. That was the best idea ever.
We traveled for all the coast of the Lago Llanquihue. To the east of this lake there is a town called Ensenada. In this area there are many flying insects (I don't remember the name) that bite and bother those who visit. The most surprising thing is that the first day of February of each year they disappear completely. Unfortunately we went to Ensenada just the day before the insects are over (Yes, January 31th); it was horrible and funny at the same time haha.
Resultado de imagen para lago llanquihue

5 comentarios:

  1. The south of Chile is very beautiful! 3 weeks is a lot of time to go to vacations! So cool :D

  2. I had visited this places and I love the south of Chile, is really beautiful but I don't really like the insects, that is the only bad thing about it

  3. the south of chile is beautiful and your story about the insects sounds funny.


  4. This is a really weird coincidence I also travel to Puerto Montt when I was 12 years old, I fell in love of that place so I came back .

  5. Wow! Very beautiful places, I really love those places


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