sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

N O R W A Y, the land of dreams

Nice to meet you stranger! Today I will talk you about a very special country, a country of Vikings, ice, cold, fishes, good life…. Yes! You know, it is Norway!

I know that this country have the most standard of life on the world, with the best economy, education and health care. The people here live very well in comparison with other big countries like USA or Germany.

I love the nature, and how it is change on the different seasons, that is because I would like to visit the fiords and the eternal ices on the magic winter, see the boreal aurora on the winter mornings and enjoy the most beautiful spring, with flowers and grass everywhere.

I would like to study and work here. Dental schools in Norway have different view or perspective of General Dentistry.  This could help me to grow like professional. Also, I find very exciting feel the experience that lives in a very different society, a different culture.
Resultado de imagen para norway

1 comentario:

  1. The nature looks amazing! It must be so cool living there and together it would be even cooler :)❤


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