sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

Pastel de Choclo

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Hello stranger! In Chile, corn is cheap once a year (in summer), and at this time we take advantage of these prices to cook the best Chilean delicacies like "Pastel de Choclo", "Humitas", "Porotos granados con Mazamorra or Pilco” and "Tomatican”. Even if we have to wait a whole year, the wait is worth it. But today I will tell you about my favorite: "Pastel de Choclo".

The “Pastel de Choclo” consists of a corn paste that is filled with meat inside. Basil is usually added to flavor this preparation. Finally, it is baked in "pailas de greda" to make the presentation more attractive.

The preparation is quite long and requires several people to help in the process. In my house we grind the corn with a manual machine, because my grandmother always did it that way and it was the technique to make them totally homemade and delicious.

There are people who like to accompany this meal with tomato or sugar. Obviously, I prefer them with sugar, a lot of sugar hehe. Also drinking a good "Piscola" to make the experience more enjoyable.

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2019

My favorite series: BREAKING BAD

Nice to meet you stranger! today I spoke to you about the best series in the world, hehe. Well, Breaking Bad is my favorite series. I met this series in 2016, when I got a friend's Netlfix account.

The series deals with the transformation of a professor of chemistry to one of the largest drug traffickers in the United States.
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The series begins with the diagnosis of cancer by Walter White, who desperately looks for ways to have more money for his family before he dies. For this he needed a more lucrative business: drugs.

The series is interesting because Walter White was humiliated and crushed all his life. However, now he is a drug dealer, and could take revenge on every person he hated in the past.

Something interesting about the series is that it is filmed through several color filters, which represent certain emotions. For example: when the scene shows greed, the screen turns green (color of money).
Resultado de imagen para breaking bad green scene

I fully recommend this series. It is a work of art.

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

My best holiday ever

Hi! Nice to meet you stranger! Today I will talk you about my best holiday ever.
It was at January 2012, when I was twelve years old.  My family and I went to Puerto Montt, a big city located in the south of Chile. We stayed there for a long time; I remember that it was like 3 weeks.
The plan of my parents was visit all the little towns around Puerto Montt, like Frutillar, Puerto Octay or Puerto Varas. That was the best idea ever.
We traveled for all the coast of the Lago Llanquihue. To the east of this lake there is a town called Ensenada. In this area there are many flying insects (I don't remember the name) that bite and bother those who visit. The most surprising thing is that the first day of February of each year they disappear completely. Unfortunately we went to Ensenada just the day before the insects are over (Yes, January 31th); it was horrible and funny at the same time haha.
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sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

N O R W A Y, the land of dreams

Nice to meet you stranger! Today I will talk you about a very special country, a country of Vikings, ice, cold, fishes, good life…. Yes! You know, it is Norway!

I know that this country have the most standard of life on the world, with the best economy, education and health care. The people here live very well in comparison with other big countries like USA or Germany.

I love the nature, and how it is change on the different seasons, that is because I would like to visit the fiords and the eternal ices on the magic winter, see the boreal aurora on the winter mornings and enjoy the most beautiful spring, with flowers and grass everywhere.

I would like to study and work here. Dental schools in Norway have different view or perspective of General Dentistry.  This could help me to grow like professional. Also, I find very exciting feel the experience that lives in a very different society, a different culture.
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Pastel de Choclo

Hello stranger! In Chile, corn is cheap once a year (in summer), and at this time we take advantage of these prices to cook the best Chil...